The Back to Basics Living Bundle is a collection of digital resources that are bundle together at a huge discount and made available for ONE WEEK each year. They did a flash
sale over the weekend and made it available for just a couple days again and today is the LAST DAY to grab this year's collection. Every year is a whole new set of resources!
This year’s bundle includes over 50 resources to help you get back to basics!
- Cook from scratch using nourishing real food
- Plant and harvest your own
- Learn what it means to live a simpler life without stress
- Create a wholesome healthy food storage
- Learn how to create and use natural remedies
- Plus learn how to live a more frugal live, do more things yourself, manage a small homestead and much much more!
If you were to buy each of these resources separately you’d pay over $500, but for this short sale it’s 92% off! There is a 30 day no questions money back guarantee.