Hi there!
This summer marks the TENTH year of us starting our blog over at Food Storage Made Easy. You can check out a screenshot of our very first blog post
here where we pointed out that we were "dummies" about all things food storage related. lol. We've come a long way since then, even publishing our own
BOOK about food storage! Thanks to all of you who have supported us and cheered us along on this crazy journey.
We wanted to take this chance to let you know about a few changes that have occurred in our lives this year too. Jodi has gone through a divorce and recently changed her last name so if you
see her on social media as Jodi Weiss now, don't worry, it's still the same person! Julie has had some extra responsibilities come up with her family and church life that are causing her to take a step back and leave the running of Food Storage Made Easy to Jodi. All is well with us both, we just wanted to let you know you will be hearing JUST from Jodi from now on.
To celebrate this important 10 year blogiversary and have
some fun with all the life changes, I'm inviting you to a week long PARTY that I will be holding online. I'll be adding my own little flare to things on the blog and I can't wait to show you. Here is your official invitation! And make sure to read all the way to the bottom of this email for a GIVEAWAY!