Do you have enough fuel stored that you will be able to cook in the advent of a long-term power outage?
Are you comfortable you have
a way to preserve what you harvest from your garden with no power to can or dehydrate it?
Are you happy with your summer electric bills?
If you can answer yes to these questions than you
should not attend tomorrow's
Beginner’s guide to SUN OVENS workshop. If you answer no than plan to join us tomorrow and
click here to reserve your spot
If you have a SUN OVEN you do not use often or if you are considering getting one and would like to lean more, we would like to invite you to join me and my special guest Paul Munsen.
Cooking with the sun is easier than most people realize but many people are intimidated by the thought and apprehensive about getting started. In this workshop, you’ll learn:
• How a SUN OVEN works
• What you can cook, what kind of pots & pans work best
• Why food cooked with the sun does not burn
• How much sunlight you need
• How to sun-bake a perfect loaf of bread
• Why a SUN OVEN is the most energy-efficient way to rehydrate
your freeze-dried emergency preparedness foods
• How to use a SUN OVEN as a solar dryer or dehydrator
• How to cook if the utility grid goes down
• The difference between boiling and pasteurizing drinking water
• How to cook your dinner in the sun while you are at work
• How to hard boil freshly laid eggs which are easy to peel
• Ways to use a SUN OVEN that have nothing to do with cooking
• The economic, health, and
environmental benefits of cooking with the sun
• How to quickly pay for a SUN OVEN by reducing your utility bills.
Title: Beginner's guide to SUN OVENS
Date: Tuesday May 22, 2018
Time: 7 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time, (9 p.m. EDT / 8 p.m. CDT / 6 p.m. PST & AZ)
Duration: 60 minutes plus
Cost: There is no cost for this workshop, but advance registration is required
Register Now