Hi from Jodi and Julie!
Has spring arrived in your area yet? If so you may be getting that itch to do some spring cleaning whether that means organizing, decluttering, or cleaning ... inside or outside, or just accomplishing projects! For some reason spring always feels like the time of year to start getting stuff done!
Here are a few ideas of things you can do or research if you have a little bit of time and motivation this weekend:
Preparedness Spring Cleaning
Visit our Preparedness Spring Cleaning Zones post to get ideas on how you can split your projects up into zones and really tackle giving your entire preparedness tools arsenal a good overhaul. Pick one zone a weekend or just work for a couple of hours in each zone until you are done. You will feel good about going into the summer season knowing
things are updated and under control.
Square Foot Gardening 101
For many of us it's already time to be thinking about our summer gardens! Whether you are just planting a few cold season crops outside or starting an entire garden with seeds indoors, now is the perfect time to make a plan and start executing on it. Visit our Square Foot Gardening 101 post for ideas if you are just getting started this
Solar Cooking Webinar
Earlier this week we hosted a webinar entitled 13 Ways Sunlight Saves You Money While Being Prepared. If you have an hour to spare there is some great information in there if you have a Sun Oven and want some ideas on how to use it more. If you don't have a Sun Oven yet you can learn about them and see if it might be something you are interested in purchasing.
There is also a Webinar Special Package that includes a TON of accessories (saving you $158) that will be available only until Tuesday night for the duration that the Webinar replay link is live.
Thrive Life Sale
Next month Thrive Life is doing its annual spring sale. This means after you do your preparedness spring cleaning and inventory your food storage, you can make a shopping list and stock up at some of the lowest prices of the year! If you'd like to be notified when the sale goes live and get the best discounts by shopping through a consultant, you can join our Thrive newsletter/customer list. We offer a fun freeze-dried foods crash course when you sign up so you can get educated on the products before you buy them too!
This year we are encouraging our readers to consider becoming Thrive Consultants, as it will allow you to make a commission off of your own spring sale orders (and you can get paid for collecting orders from family and friends as well). If you enroll in March we will have time to help you learn the systems and be able to fully take advantage of the benefits of being a consultant before the sale, so we are offering an
incentive to this who sign up by March 31st. You'll get a FREE Taste of Thrive Intro Pack ($100 value) when your first month's Q ships. Having your Q process qualifies you to receive the commissions on all the spring sale orders (including your own). It's a win-win and we'd love to help you out. This weekend would be a great time to get this all figured out
before it's the end of month rush. Click here to learn more or sign up now!
Hopefully that gives you a few ideas of things you can work on, educate yourself on, or think about this weekend. Let us know what you end up doing, we'd love to hear from you! Have a great weekend.