Hi from Jodi and Julie!
Tomorrow night (Tuesday) we are partnering with Paul Munsen from Sun Ovens International to present a FREE class on "13 ways sunlight saves you money while being prepared!". We encourage everyone to sign up for the class even if you don't think you'll be able to attend. Everyone who registers will get a free eBook entitled "Emerging from an Emergency" and will also be sent a replay link after the live class. REGISTER NOW to reserve your spot as spaces are limited.
We wanted everyone to be able to benefit from this class so even if you don't have a Sun Oven or it's not in your budget to get one yet you can still gain value from attending. Follow our simple tutorial on How to Build a Solar Oven using a pizza box and you can start practicing your solar cooking right away!
How to Make a Pizza Box Solar Oven
This is a simple project you can do and is fun to involve children with. You can finish it in less than an hour and be ready to cook or heat some foods. It doesn't get as hot as a store-bought solar oven but it can melt cheese and heat things up so it's a handy little tool to have.
Materials Needed:
– One empty pizza box (the bigger the better)
– Aluminum foil
– Plastic wrap
– Black construction paper
– Scotch tape
– Ruler
– Pencil
– Knife or razor blade
Step 1:
Measure and draw a straight line about 1 1/2 inches from the outside of the box.
Step 2:
Use a knife or razor blade and cut three edges along the drawn line (leave the top edge uncut to act as a hinge)
Step 3:
Cover the inside of the top flap with aluminum foil. Also cover the inside edges of the pizza box with the foil. Tape it all down securely.
Step 4:
Cover the open area of the lid with plastic wrap to help retain heat and keep bugs, dirt, and moisture out. Do two layers of plastic and tape it down very well.
Step 5:
Tape black paper in the middle of the box bottom to absorb the heat from the sun which will be reflecting in.
Step 6:
Prop the lid open with a pencil or ruler and aim the box into direct sunlight to start cooking!
Optional: You can roll up newspaper rolls and stuff them in the sides to add insulation. You can also use a thermometer inside to test your temperatures.
Sun Oven Cooking Class
Learning to cook with the sun has help us to be better prepared and baking outdoors on a regular basis has helped us to reduce our utility bills. We especially love doing it in the summer to avoid heating up our kitchens to have baked goods. We invited Paul Munsen of Sun Ovens International to teach an online class with us to educate our readers on all the ways you can utilize a solar oven. Paul has devoted his life to sharing fundamental Sun Oven Cooking techniques with
people all over the world. Please plan to join us for this FREE educational webinar where you will learn:
• 13 ways the sun can be used year around to give you the peace of mind of knowing you are better prepared for an emergency.
• The fundamentals of how to reap the maximum benefit of this amazing free resource.
• Ways to use a SUN OVEN that go way beyond just cooking.
Date: Tuesday March 21 st
Time: 7:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time, (8 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. MDT / 5 p.m. PDT
Duration: 60 minutes plus live Q&A
Cost: There is no cost for the class but advance registration is required.
Click Here to Register
Free eBook for everyone who registers
Everyone who registers will receive a free copy of the eBook Emerging From An Emergency What you should do if…? Being prepared for disasters and emergencies can seem like a big job. Many people don’t know where to start, so they never start at all. This free 120 page eBook is a compilation of publicly available documents to aid you in the planning process to enhance your likelihood of your survival from any kind of tragedy.
We hope you have fun either making your own Solar Oven or catching us on the webinar. Don't forget to join us and submit your questions for Paul to answer personally! Have a great week.