Hi from Jodi and Julie!
Only 3 days left to get this amazing resource. The Back to Basics Bundle is a compilation of 69 ebooks, 5 ecourses and subscriptions, 12 bonus offers... over $800 worth of content in an eLibrary available for only $29.97 - no that's not a typo! And our ebook is included in the bundle which costs $20 all by itself. This bundle is only available through Sunday night so don't save this email for later,
read it now and decide if you want it!

If you purchase your bundle using our special link, shoot us an email and we will give you a free copy of our Thrive Meals in a Jar eCookbook in printable PDF format.
We have started to go through all of the bundle content but obviously haven't been able to read all of it yet, as it's soooo much information to get through! However, we wanted to highlight some of the books we are most excited about reading first. Just these by themselves (plus our eBook) are well worth the $29.97 cost of the entire bundle.

Discovering Sourdough: I have been making my bread using a natural yeast (sourdough starter) for a year now and love it, so any sourdough book is something I'm excited to look through.
One Second After the Lights Go Out: If you haven't read One Second After yet, you'll probably not realize how GREAT this resource from Lisa is. She always does great stuff so I'm excited to read that one.
Prepared Kids: This book is great because anything I can use to make prepping more fun and less scary with my kids sounds good. We've followed Angela for a long time and really love her blog and any material she puts out.

Essential Oil 101 Guide & Recipes: Just a few months ago I finally bit the bullet and bought some essential oils. I have loved them for some home remedies without having to store a ton of medicines that expire. There are a few essential oils ebooks in the bundle and I'm excited for them all.
Real Food Meal Plans Made Easy: I've mentioned a few times that I'm trying to change my family's eating habits, minimizing the use of meat, gluten and dairy, and increasing our consumption of whole foods. So naturally I am excited about this ebook because I also love meal planning and this gives me lots of recipes to try with gluten and dairy free options with shopping lists and everything. Yay for making it easy to be healthier!
Your Own 72 Hour Kit Plan: When Misty first created this resource on her blog I followed along and loved it. Having it all in a printable PDF format makes it even better. Get a sneak peek at how thorough her content is with this eBook and then you may want to consider her full-blown preparedness course. It is a phenomenal resource if you really want to get a jump start on your
preparedness plans.
In just 3 days this bundle will be unavailable again for an entire year, so don't miss out on this great opportunity to build your digital preparedness library at rock-bottom prices. Have a great weekend!
