Hi from Jodi and Julie! We've been a little bit quiet lately because we have been working on some exciting things to celebrate National Preparedness Month. The main way we focus on preparedness month is through our annual 7 Day Challenge which is coming up SOON! Today we are going to give you a heads up on some BIG changes happening this year and also a tip on a free shipping offer from Thrive Life. We have another
big announcement coming up later this month but we don't want to ruin the surprise so stay tuned.
7 Day Challenge 2016
Every September for the past 7 years we have hosted a 7 Day Challenge where we go through a different emergency situation each day for 7 days and share and discuss what we learn as we practice. Well this year we are doing something completely different! Here are some teasers but stayed tuned as more information and full details will be coming soon.
- It's going to be harder
- It's going to be easier
- It's an all-new format
- You will know EXACTLY when it's going to start
- We are going to really maximize learning and DOING
- We will be introducing the "Preparedness Cycle"
- You are going to want to participate!!!!!!
We will be ramping up for the main event which will be held on Facebook for discussion purposes as we've found that people do best at learning by being able to discuss the experience with each other. You don't have to have facebook to view the event and we will share the main information via email and on the blog as well.
Click here to join the 7 Day Challenge 2016 Facebook Event now!
Free Shipping on 1st Q Shipment
With the Q, you no longer need to worry about long lines, finding a babysitter, or going over budget at the grocery store. Use the Q to create your ultimate grocery list, set a budget, and see your favorite items arrive to your door every month! Start your Q between September 1st and 30th at a $100 budget or higher and get free shipping on your first order!
Click here to learn more or start your Q now!