Today is the last day of the PRACTICE portion of this year's 7 Day Challenge. We hope you had a good learning experience working through the Day 3 and Day 4 challenges. Even if you couldn't do them all the way it helps to read through the scenarios and think
through what you would have done. You can check out people's experiences and sharing at our Facebook Event and follow our Instagram to check on our personal daily progress.
Economic meltdown! The country is in turmoil, the trucking industry has shut down, utilities are disrupted (electricity is down but plumbing is still working for now), gasoline is no longer available, your neighbors need help. Today we must use our long term food storage and really focus on how to live in an extended emergency situation.
Click here to view the complete challenge, tasks, and limitations for DAY 5
We got notice of a few more deals going on this month so we have added them to our Preparedness Month Sales post. Make sure to check it out and grab some of these hot deals while they are still available
Click here to start shopping the Preparedness Month Sales
Have a great day and make sure to check your email late Saturday or ealry Sunday as we will be going over some information on how to start on the next phase of the Preparedness Cycle ... PRIORITIZE