Help US to better help YOU (feedback needed)

Published: Mon, 05/02/16


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter
Welcome to our May Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter.  We just have two quick things we'd like to share with you today including a quick favor we'd like to ask.

Sun Oven Webinar Replay

Last week we hosted a very popular Sun Oven Cooking Essentials Webinar with the president of Sun Ovens International, Paul Munsen.  We had a lot of people who were unable to make it onto the call live, so we wanted to make sure you had access to the replay link.  The webinar includes:
  • Tips for using the Sun Oven (check out this post for one trick I already tried)
  • Many listener questions answered
  • Ways to save money using a Sun Oven
  • Emergency Preparedness applications for Sun Ovens
  • Special bonus offer for webinar participants

The replay and the special Sun Oven Webinar Package will only be available through Wednesday, May 4th at midnight so make sure to check them out before that!

Emergency Preparedness Potential Classes "Poll"

We are looking into putting on a series of Emergency Preparedness classes throughout the summer as our schedules ease up a little bit.  Ideally we will do them locally but also record them so all of our readers can benefit from the training being given.  Since we will only be able to do a few, we'd like to know which classes have the most interest so we can try to do those ones for sure.  If you could take a few seconds and fill out this quick poll we would appreciate it SOOOO much!


Thanks for sharing your inbox with us and we will check back in a few weeks with some more preparedness and food storage tips for you!

-Jodi and Julie

Sun Oven Webinar Package
  Sun Oven Webinar Package

Package Contents Include:
  • One All-American Sun Oven
  • One Hanging Turkey Roasting Rack
  • Multi-Level Dehydrating & Baking Rack Set (Three racks plus one roll of parchment paper)
  • Two Easy Stack Pots with  interchangeable enamel/glass lids
  • Multi-Fuel Water Pasteurizing Indicator (WAPI)
  • Two Loaf Pans
  • One Cloudy Day Cube Stove Kit (includes two fuel disks)
  • Ten Cloudy Day Fuel Disks
  • Cook’n SUN OVEN® CD
  • FREE SHIPPING (to lower 48 states)

Please note: If you were sent this newsletter from a friend and would like to receive your own copy every month, you may sign up for the emails at