101 Best Preparedness Products on Amazon

Published: Tue, 07/12/16


Food Storage Made Easy Newsletter

Upcoming FREE Educational Webinars

Summertime schedules are a little more laid back so we love to host educational events for our readers during this time of the year.  We are holding two free webinars this month that we want to invite you to.  If you can't make it at the scheduled times make sure to RSVP anyway so you will automatically be sent a replay link.  We love when you listen live and ask questions though so try to make it on if you can!  Here are the details for the two webinars.

Emergency Water Webinar:

Five Things You MUST KNOW to Provide Your Family with Safe Drinking Water in an Emergency  
Learn how to properly purify any kind of water and also what NOT to do in an emergency.

Date:  Wednesday, July 13
Time:  5:00 pm Pacific, 8:00 pm Eastern
RSVP:  click here to RSVP (and get email reminders)
Replay:  Webinar will be recorded and sent out to all who RSVP!

Home Canning Safety Webinar:

How to Can Safely at Home With Confidence 
Learn which methods are outdated and dangerous and how you can stay safe!

Date:  Tuesday, July 19
Time:  10:00 am Pacific, 1:00 pm Eastern
RSVP:  click here to RSVP (and get email reminders)
Replay:  Webinar will be recorded and sent out to all who RSVP!

101 Preparedness Products on Amazon

July 12th is Amazon Prime Day.  This means there are some amazing deals happening exclusively for Prime Members.  If you aren't a Prime member you can SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL and still take advantage of the deals.  To celebrate this fun day we came up with a list of 101 Best Preparedness Products on Amazon.  We LOVE Amazon for those items you can't get locally, and the free shipping for Prime Members just sweetens the deal.

Hope you have a great week and that we will catch up with you on one of our webinars!

-Jodi and Julie

Please note: If you were sent this newsletter from a friend and would like to receive your own copy every month, you may sign up for the emails at http://foodstoragemadeeasy.net/checklists/monthly-newsletter/