Price increase coming (open quick)
Published: Sat, 07/02/16
We are getting ready to send out a FUN July newsletter but got some news that we had to share asap since it's so timely. If you've been thinking about getting a wheat grinder but haven't taken the plunge yet, this email is for you!
We JUST received notice of a price increase on the Electric WonderMill (our favorite wheat grinder) which has currently been selling for an amazing low price. Right now you can buy the WonderMill Electric Mill for just $219.95 with free shipping and tax through our online store. On July 5th at 12:01 am we have to raise the price to $239.95 due to our dealer agreements and minimum pricing requirements.
Click here to grab your discounted WonderMill today.
If you are looking to buy a manual wheat grinder WAIT until July 5th to buy it because prices of the Wonder Junior Deluxe will be going DOWN to $199.95 (currently $219.95). If you already have a wheat grinder, or you are planning to get one soon, here is a gem of a post for you:
17 Ways to Use a Wheat Grinder
Hope this is helpful for those who don't want to miss out on the lower pricing. Watch your email early next week for some news about our upcoming Powerless Cooking Adventures! Have a great holiday weekend (check out our patriotic jello recipe if you really want to celebrate in style).
-Jodi and Julie