Hi from Jodi and Julie!
We hope you've been using some of the fun ideas on Ways to
Practice Preparedness This Summer that we sent out last week. Summertime is busy so food storage isn't always the first thing on your mind. Julie's been working this week on a master camping packing list, make sure to check our blog post today for a free helpful download if you haven't
Today we wanted to answer one of the most common questions we receive from readers. People ask us what's the best way to buy food storage almost every day. Since Thrive Life is one of our favorite brands of food storage we want to address the best way to buy Thrive. With its wide variety of high quality and delicious products, the best way to buy Thrive is through a monthly autoship program called the Thrive Q. To get a rebate on your personal Q orders and other benefits such as free products and commission it can actually make a lot of sense to become a consultant whether or not you want to build a full-fledged business. If that sounds interesting to you keep reading! BUILD YOUR FOOD STORAGE FOR LESS- Save up to 50% off retail pricing on the food or shelves you get in your consultant starter kit
- Get a 5% rebate on your personal monthly Q order for every dollar spent after the first $50.
- Earn 10% commission and 10% in free food off every order that you process for yourself or others outside of the Q
- Keep up on all the sales
and buy everything at the lowest prices
- Be the first to hear about brand new products
BUILDING A BUSINESS IS OPTIONAL - Sell online, at home parties, at preparedness fairs, at date nights, meal-in-a-jar classes, etc.
- Personalized consultant websites make it easy to share with family and friends
- Lots of perks and free
products for achieving rank and sales goals
- No sales quotas or minimums. Simply stay on your personal monthly Q of at least $50 a month to qualify to earn your commissions each month
UPCOMING CONVENTION - This is the first year Thrive Life is inviting customers or potential consultants to convention
- If you live in the Utah area you can attend the opening session of convention
for FREE
- If you sign up as a consultant at convention you will get a free set of all products launching at this year's convention (and find out what they are!)
- Learn more about Thrive Foods, how to cook with them, and the vision and future of Thrive
Have a great weekend!
-Jodi and Julie http://FoodStorageMadeEasy.NET