If you got our email last week you will recall that we have decided to do a FOOD STORAGE DO-OVER this year. We will be going through week by week looking at one specific area of our food storage and giving it a do-over or at least a refresh. We have over 1600 people who have already joined with us to participate in this adventure!
We wanted to give a quick heads up today to let you know that the Do-Over has officially begun and give a quick few details and then we won't email out about it each week (unless you sign up for it) so
don't worry about email overload!
Check out the action on our blog to see what we will be working on this week. If you haven't decided yet if you want to join in or not, this will give you an idea of how each week will look. Click here to view WEEK 1.
We created a closed Facebook group that now has over 1600 members participating. You can join the group at this link. For those already in the group, you can share your progress on week 1 directly on THIS POST.
We had a lot of requests from people who wanted to be emailed the posts each week. We didn't want to bombard those who aren't interested in the do-ver with an
additional email each week so we have created a new list you can join by clicking here. You will receive the week's tasks in your email box every Wednesday!
Good luck with your do-over this week. We will be right there doing it with you and cheering you on as well!
-Jodi and
p.s. If you don't need a do-over but are looking for some ready-made 72 hour kits, here are some options from Emergency Essentials and Thrive Life. Enjoy!