Thrive Life BIG DEAL Sale (It's like black friday in the Spring!)

Published: Thu, 04/09/15

Have you heard? It's kind of a BIG DEAL. Thrive Life has their BIG DEAL sale going on right now and you really should take advantage of it. This sale runs from April 9-20 OR While Supplies Last.
First we're going to save you some time running the numbers and tell you what the best picks are for this sale.  Then we'll share with you 3 ways to take advantage of the sale. The good, better, and best ways to buy Thrive!
Food Rotation System Sale Prices
• Harvest 72” Traditional or #10 Can Shelf - Retail: $459.99 BIG DEAL Sale: $249.99
• The Harvest 78” Pantry Can Shelf - Retail: $459.99 BIG DEAL Sale: $255.99
• Bucket Shelf - Retail: $159.99 BIG DEAL Sale: $79.99
• Cansolidator Pantry Shelf - Retail: $33.99 BIG DEAL Sale: $19.99
40-50% off Spring Party Price
• Small Red Beans (all sizes) Save $38.80 on a case. Save $6.80 on a #10 can.
30-40% off Spring Party Price
• Instant milk (all sizes) Save $53.00 on a case. Save $55.80 on a bucket.
• Apples Sauce (all sizes) Save $64.40 on a case. Save $11.30 on a #10 can.
20-30% off Spring Party Price
• Instant White Rice (all sizes) Save $17.10 on a case.
• Beef Dices FD (all sizes) Save $13.80 on a #10 can. Save $78.60 on a case.
• Black Beans (all sizes) Save 20.20 on a case.
• Pinto Beans (all sizes) Save $18.20 on a case.
• Scrambled Egg Mix (all sizes) Save $80.30 on a case. Save $11.90 on a #10 can.
• Beef Bouillon (all sizes) Save $42.80 on a case. Save $7.50 on a #10 can.
• Green Bell Peppers (all sizes) Save $44 on a case. Save $6.20 on a #10 can.
• Banana Slices (all sizes) Save $41.10 on a case. Save $7.20 on a #10 can.
10-20% off Spring Party Price
• Macaroon Cookies Mix (all sizes) Save $14.90 on a case. Save $2.60 on a #10 can.
• Vanilla Sugar Cookie Mix (all sizes) Save $1.50 on a #10 can. Save $8.50 on a case.
• Whole Wheat Dough Mix (all sizes) Save $8.50 on a case. Save $1.50 per #10 can.
• Fudge Brownie Mix (all sizes) Save $19.15 on a case. Save $1.70 on a #10 can.
• 10 Grain pancake mix (all sizes) Save $18.30 on a case. Save $1.80 on a #10 can.
• Classic Cookie dough mix (all sizes) Save $9.70 on a case. Save $1.70 on a #10 can.
• Green Beans (all sizes) Save $16 on a case. Save $2.80 on a #10 can.
• Pineapple Chunks (all sizes) Save $32 on a case. Save $5.70 on a #10 can.
• Peach Slices (all sizes) Save $46 on a case. Save 4.90 on a #10 can.
• Chopped Chicken (all sizes) Save $50.20 on a case. Save $8.80 on a #10 can.
GOOD: Make a one time order Take advantage of the sale by making a one time order and save big. You can visit the sale picker page and shop right there easily and quickly. If you have any questions about the products we're always happy to help.
BETTER: Start your very own Q What is the Q? The Q is a monthly shipment of Thrive foods. You decide the budget. You choose what you want delivered. It’s that easy. Start your Q this month with the sale items you want to try most. Then place the monthly specials on your Q each month. That way you know you are always getting the best prices on your food storage. Each month Thrive offers a fantastic monthly sales pack that you will be SURE to love, in addition to individual sale items. When you start your Q it has you choose a budget that you will maintain so this is the best way to purchase if you want to stick to a consistent budget. LEARN MORE HERE
BEST: Become a consultant Whether it's to buy your own food storage or build a business becoming a consultant is the BEST way to buy Thrive. With the newly revised and revamped consultant starter kits it's a no brainer, all you need to do to be considered an active consultant is maintain a $50 Q each month. Steps to taking advantage of the sale if you're becoming a consultant:
  • Sign up to become a consultant and learn more here
  • Make a one time order to stock up on the sale items (and earn commission on it)
  • Start your Q sometime in the next month to continue to grow your food storage
We hope you're able to take advantage of this sale and remember we're always here to help if you have questions!
-Jodi and Julie