Merry Christmas from Jodi and Julie!
Every year we like to share our 12 Days of Christmas ideas on our blog. It's a fun way to share the gift of preparedness with loved ones. You can start 12 days BEFORE Christmas, or do it for the 12 days AFTER Christmas. You can do it for a few people, or just for one. You can mix and match, do just one idea, or do all twelve. Make it your own and have fun! We have ideas for all budget ranges but wanted to highlight the "free and under $1" ones for you in this month's newsletter. We also want to give a quick heads up on a new idea for giving our eBooks as gifts this year too. Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas! -Jodi and Julie
Day 1: Emergency Preparedness Print out our
Emergency Preparedness Plan that has detailed instructions to help a family make their family plan, build 72 hour kits, and put together an evacuation list and car kit. Roll up the plan, wrap a ribbon around it, stick a bow on, and attach the Day 1 tag.
Day 2: Shelves
Day 3: Water Storage You can use empty pop or juice bottles to help someone get started on their water storage. Empty out a pop bottle, fill it with water, put a ribbon around it and add your Day 3 tag to make it cute. Make sure you don't use empty milk jugs - the plastic in milk jugs will deteriorate.
Click here for Water Storage gift ideas in other price ranges
Day 6: Grains
Day 8: Baking Ingredients Salt is one of those things that you run out of, and don't necessarily think of storing. Find or buy a container of salt and make it cute with ribbons, or put it in a gift bag, and remind them Food Storage isn't just grains and legumes. Click here for Baking Ingredient gift ideas in other price ranges
Day 9: Fruits and Vegetables Gardening is a great way to become more self reliant. Try giving a few packs of gardening seeds to help motivate people to get going on gardening. If you know the person doesn't have a lot of space, pick herbs, or things you can grow on kitchen counters. Attach the Day 9 tags and you're all set! Click here for Fruit and Vegetable gift ideas in other price ranges
Day 10: Comfort Foods Even just a candy bar or 2 in your storage for just-in-case scenarios is a great idea to provide some comfort in an emergency. Pick up the person's favorite one and surprise them with a little treat (tell them they can't eat it right away, they have to store it. Tie a cute ribbon around the candy bar and add the Day 10 tags.
Click here for Comfort Food gift ideas in other price ranges
Day 11: Non-Food Items Pick something cheap but useful like toilet paper or toothpaste. Write a cute note letting them know that they wouldn't want to be without those items in an emergency. Attach the Day 11 tag so you don't feel too funny giving someone toilet paper :)
Click here for Non-Food Item gift ideas in other price ranges
Day 12: Babystep Checklists Have the person you are giving to sign up for our free email checklists. Sign up for them with their email address and print out the first checklist for their gift with the Day 12 tag attached. The checklists last for one year and are sent every 2 weeks. If you follow them you will obtain a one year supply for one person.
Click here for Checklist gift ideas in other price ranges
We hope you have a wonderful holiday season! -Jodi and Julie http://FoodStorageMadeEasy.NET |