It's FINALLY done!

Published: Fri, 11/29/13

We've been working on this for months, actually for YEARS ....
Our Completely Updated 
3-Part Food Storage Program
{{Babystep Checklists}}
{{Food Storage Encyclopedia}}
{{Recipe Appendix}}
The BRAND NEW Food Storage Made Easy eBook Program is a 3-part guide to help you build your food storage.  It is a complete revision of our old eBook (if you purchased our old one you will be sent this new program FOR FREE sometime this weekend ... we promised free updates, right?) We are SO excited at how this all turned out.   It is an amazing resource for anyone wanting to build their food storage. 

Food Storage Made Easy readers who have not purchased the previous version of our eBook, can buy the full 3-Part Program this weekend at an introductory low price of just $12 (Regular price will be $24 so that's 50% off!) Sale price valid from Black Friday through Cyber Monday only.

Black Friday Sales are
If you think your family and friends would be interested in our new eBook or the awesome Black Friday sales please do us a little favor and forward this on to them!  We have worked for months putting together the eBook and coordinating these great sales for all of our readers and would love to have even more people benefit from them.

Happy Thanksgiving!  We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
-Jodi and Julie