This was not my season to prep or even to provide good content to help YOU prep and for that I apologize. But I have faith that that time will come, I will have a chance to do every activity that I need/want to do … and it’s ok that that was not this summer.
I am starting to feel better with my meds being adjusted, the rest of our summer is pretty low-key, and my husband’s office was able to hire some new good employees (hurray!)
So I want to start working on my projects and posting and emailing again and being the helpful resource that you have come to rely upon. It’s a little hard to come back when I have been silent for so long but at some point you have to JUST START! So if you have gotten off track with your prepping, don’t put off getting started again. Just jump in and do something, even if it’s just something small. And we will all be here to cheer you on.
Thanks for being the BEST readers/subscribers and for being so supportive in sharing my content, purchasing products from me, and being active members of my community. I am truly blessed by you all. And if you’ve been waiting for a response to an email or message you’ve sent me … it’s coming soon.